Dentson Clinic price offer
Dentson Clinic comes to the aid of its patients by facilitating financial plans for quality dental treatments.
Consultation (without radiography) 100 LEI
Radiography 80 LEI
Ultrasonic scaling + professional brushing + fluoridation 200-250 LEI
Professional brushes 100 LEI
Airflow 150 LEI
Bacterial plaque detection 50 LEI
Definitive tooth sealing 80-100 LEI
Fluoridation gutters 300 LEI
Recall (brushing / sanitizing) to sanitize at regular intervals 180 LEI
Topical fluoridation (both arcades) 100 LEI
Preparation and filling of small cavities with light-curable composite 100 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Preparation and filling of medium cavities with light-curable composite 120 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Preparation and filling of large cavities with light-curable composite 150 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Preparation and filling of cavities in the frontal area (aesthetic) with light-curable composite 100-150 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Preparation and filling of atypical complex cavities (MOD type) with light-curable composite 150-250 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Direct veneering 200 LEI / dinte
Dental jewelry application 150 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Emax ceramic tiles 900 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Prefabricated composite veneers 500 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Whitening with gutters for home + bleaching kit (350 lei) 550 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Tooth whitening (opalescence) 1000 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Direct veneer with composite 200 LEI / Dinte
Devital teeth whitening 50 LEI / Sedinta
Root residue extraction 100 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Monoradicular extraction 120 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Pluriradicular extraction 140-160 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Periodontal tooth extraction (mobile) 80 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Mental extraction of the mind 250-500 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Semi-included / included molar extraction 100-150 LEI
Classic / laser stripping 100-150 LEI
Pericoronaritis treatment / session 100 LEI
Incision + drainage 80 LEI
Suture 15 LEI
Resection applied 500 LEI
Crest regularization 50-150 LEI
Gingivoplasty, gingivectomy / per tooth 100 LEI
Alveolotomy 100 LEI
Premolarization 200 LEI
BioLaser teeth whitening 1000 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Removal of benign / pregnancy tumors 250-500 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Gingival hypertrophy 400-800 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Implant discovery 100 LEI
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Decapitation 100 LEI/ implant
(includes basic filling and finishing)
Tooth removal included (orthodontic treatment) 150 LEI / Dinte
Frenectomy – Superior 300 LEI
Frenectomy – Lower 400 LEI
Vestibuloplasty (isolated – stretched) 300-800 LEI
(Gingival smile)
Pain therapy (ATM, Postextractional) 150 LEI
3-4 sessions
Sterilization of periodontal pockets 70 LEI / Dinte
3-4 sessions
Application of antibiotics, antiseptics, astringents 50 LEI/tooth
Drug treatment of periodontal abscesses 50 LEI
Immobilization of periodontal teeth 150-200 LEI
Closed field curettage 70 LEI / Tooth
Flap and curettage operation in the open field 100-200 LEI / Tooth
PRGF harvesting (2-3 test tubes) 500-800 LEI / Tooth
Specialized consultation 80 LEI
Temporary tooth fillings 80 LEI
(glassionomori cement)
Temporary tooth fillings 100 LEI
(light-curable composite)
Sealing ditches and dimples – permanent tooth 100 LEI
Fluoridation / both arches / sitting 100 LEI
Temporary mobile tooth extraction 70 LEI
Temporary tooth extraction without mobility 70-100 LEI
Professional brushes 80 LEI
Highlighting bacterial plaque 50 LEI
Urgent 70 LEI
Descaling 150 LEI
Airflow 150 LEI
Abscess drainage + local antiseptic treatment 100 LEI
Temporary tooth sealing (colored flow) 80 LEI
Airflow + fluoridation 120 LEI
Metal-ceramic crown (porcelain) 500 LEI
One body crown (single layer ceramic – partial / integral) 350 LEI
One body crown (single layer ceramic – acrylic crown) 350 LEI
Ceramic crown on zirconium 1200 LEI
EMAX integral ceramic crown 900 LEI
Cemented implant crown 1000 LEI
Screwed implant crown 1000 LEI
JACKET crown 200 LEI
Metal crown 200 LEI
Prefabricated composite veneer 500 LEI
Total acrylic prosthesis 1400 LEI
Acrylic partial denture 1100 LEI
Total / partial elastic prosthesis 1600 LEI
Total / partial superelastic prosthesis 2000 LEI
Skeletal prosthesis with special cast systems 2700 LEI
Implant prosthesis 6000 LEI
Kemeny Elastic Temporary Prosthesis for Tooth 350 LEI
(+60 LEI for each tooth)
Acrylfree prosthesis (for patients with acrylate allergies) 1800 LEI
Kemeny acrylic temporary prosthesis 300 LEI
(+60 LEI for each tooth added)
Cast corono-radicular device (DCR) 150 LEI
Prosthesis repair (fracture / rupture / crochet) 150 LEI
Prosthesis / lining overlay 150 LEI
Add denture / tooth 100 LEI
Old crown / tooth ablation 100 LEI
RCR ablation 100 LEI
Study model 60 LEI
Digital fingerprint 150 LEI
Cemented final work / crown (per element) 100 LEI
Maryland-composite (temporary as maintainer of biological SP) 300 LEI
Maryland-metal comp. 300 LEI
Reihn special system (2-4 items) 900 LEI
Specialized consultation 130 LEI
Fixed metal device (arch) 1800 LEI
Fixed ceramic device (arch) 3000 LEI
Sapphire fixed device (arch) 3700 LEI
Physiognomic fixed device (arch) 4000 LEI
Clear Aligner 3000 EURO
Fixed lingual apparatus 2500 EURO
Mobile device (arcade) 900 LEI
Mobile device activation 60 LEI
Fixed device activation (arcade) 120 LEI
Mio-functional device 800 LEI
Study Model 70 LEI
Transplanted arch 450-500 LEI
Barbita + capelina 300 LEI
Breaker 900-1000 LEI
Delaire mask 650 LEI
Double bow 500 LEI
Glued brecket detached 50 LEI
Elastic change 50 LEI
Activate the sapphire fixed device 150 LEI
Bracket prophylaxis device repair 100 LEI
fluoridation 80 LEI
Orthodontic extraction of milk tooth 80 LEI
Permanent tooth orthodontic extraction 100 LEI
Manual – Devitalization – Monoradicular 50 LEI
Manual – Devitalization – Pluriradicular 60 LEI
Manual – Canal obturation – Monoradicular 90-120 LEI
Manual – Canal obturation – Pluriradicular 100-150 LEI
Rotary – Monoradicular 250 LEI
Rotary – 2 channels 400 LEI
Rotary – 3-4 channels 500 LEI
Microscope – monoradicular treatment 300-350 LEI
Microscope – pluriradicular treatment 450 LEI
Microscope – molar mind 550-600 LEI
Treatment of gangrene by washing 50 LEI
Walkoff / Tricrezol formalin antiseptic placement 50 LEI
Unclogging root canals 150 LEI / Canal
Removal of foreign bodies from the root canal 50-150 LEI / Canal
Application of M.T.A. 50 LEI
Fiberglass pivot 150-200 LEI
Apply dental dam 40 LEI
PRGF harvest 500-900 LEI
Specialist consultation, radiography + treatment plan 100 LEI
Dental Implant (MIS) 1800-1900 LEI
ROOT implant 1800-1900 LEI
Open sinus lift 3000 LEI
(includes resorbable membrane and addition material)
Closed sinus lift 2500 LEI
(includes addition material)
Implant discovery + blunt healing 150 LEI
Bone addition 3000-4000 LEI
(os + membrane)
(Bont healing)
(Crown on implant – cemented)
(Implant crown – screwed)
(Crown on implant – zirconium)
FAST & FIXE D. 4600 – 4800 EURO
(all on 4/6 jaw – includes temporary acrylic work)
(mandibular – includes temporary acrylic work)
Digital retroalveolar radiography 35 LEI
Digital panoramic radiography 80 LEI
Profile Teleradiography 100 LEI
CT Mandible 280 LEI
CT Maxillary 280 LEI
Ortho Package (OPG + Teleradiography) 160 LEI
CT Bimaxillary 500 LEI
Necrotic treatment – monoradicular 350 LEI
Necrotic treatment – pluriradicular 450 LEI
Molar mind 550-650 LEI
Multiradicular treatment 700 LEI
Several vital tooth treatment 500-600 LEI
Mono vital tooth treatment 300-400 LEI
Multiradicular portrayal 500-600 LEI
Monoradicular retreatment 400-500 LEI
IOS (cast coronoradicular device) 150 LEI
Pivot (fiberglass) 150-200 LEI
Simple 200 LEI
Composite 350 LEI
One body 350 LEI
Ceramics 500 LEI
3/4 Composite 350 LEI
Integral ceramics 900 LEI
Zirconium – composite 700 LEI
Zirconium – ceramic 1100 LEI
Bichopp pressed pottery 800 LEI
Implant crown 1500 LEI
Gutter – whitening 250 LEI
Gutter – bruxism 250 LEI
Gutter – athletes 250 LEI
Gutter – orthodontic 300 LEI
All rates found on our website are indicative and do not represent a final price offer.
DENTSON Botosani
- Bd.Mihai Eminescu nr. 45 Botosani, România
- 0231.512.455
- 0757.870.870
Dentson Flamanzi
- Aleea Principala nr. 10 Flamanzi, Romania
- 0231.543.282
- 0742.088.087
Dentson Bucecea
- Strada Alecu Rallet nr. 19 Bucecea, Romania
- 0231.543.282
- 0748.888.667