Prophylactic dental treatment aims to prevent and treat dental conditions by ensuring optimal dental hygiene.
Tips for proper dental hygiene:
– Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day (morning and evening);
– Use dental floss;
– Use mouthwash containing fluoride to rinse your mouth after brushing
– Use concentrated fluoride gels;
– Perform a descaling once every 4 or 6 months;
– Use the special method of cleaning teeth used in the dental office air-flow (air-water jet with bicarbonate);
– Perform a professional toothbrushing at regular intervals;
Request an appointment
DENTSON Botosani
- Bd.Mihai Eminescu nr. 45 Botosani, Romania
- 0231.512.455
- 0757.870.870
Dentson Flamanzi
- Aleea Principala nr. 10 Flamanzi, Romania
- 0231.543.282
- 0742.088.087
Dentson Bucecea
- Strada Alecu Rallet nr. 19 Bucecea, Romania
- 0231.543.282
- 0748.888.667